ANR recognized the American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) with an Award of Excellence for Smokefree Air Science and Research acknowledging the ongoing contribution of their landmark document on Tobacco Smoke.

The quiet steadfast leadership of ASHRAE on the issue of smokefree indoor air has made a significant impact. Despite intense pressure from Big Tobacco and its allies, ASHRAE truly met the moment and adopted its Position Document on ETS which then was referenced by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), and more.

The position statement provided critical support for strong smokefree indoor air laws and policies not only in the US but all around the world creating a hospitality standard for Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) to directly address the false claims perpetuated by the Philip Morris’ Hospitality Coalition on Indoor Air Quality. ASHRAE rejected Big Tobacco’s pursuit and committed to protecting the integrity of their members. To this day, the ventilation myth pervades legislative discussions to distract from the real solution of 100% smokefree air and ASHRAE’s statement continues to be relevant and persuasive.

Congratulations and THANK YOU to our partners at ASHRAE!